Kristine Klasen

Kristine Klasen

Chief Operating Officer

What I do at the Chazen: Budgeting, operations, security oversight, human resources, facilities management and planning. I’ve been told “it’s the work no one else wants to do,” but I enjoy it.

When I started: July 2015

Insider tip for visitors: The museum is free! Visit on a weekday during the summer. It’s quiet and you can take your time wandering through the galleries.

My hometown: I’ve lived in different places, but consider Oshkosh, Wisconsin, my hometown.

On Saturdays you’ll find me: Hiking with my dog, seeing family and friends, working around the house, reading a book.

My college major: Anthropology/East Asian Studies and Art History with an East Asian focus.

My creative outlet: Garden design, Chinese brush painting, saving old furniture.

Most unusual job: So many choices. Military intelligence analyst, knock-off designer-perfume salesperson, archaeologist.