Anne Johnson
financial administrator
When I started: March 2023
First memory of the Chazen/LVM: Driving past Generations by Richard Artschwager in the backseat of my mom’s station wagon and thinking it looked like a page from a storybook I wanted to read.
My favorite museum other than the Chazen: Museum of the Moving Image
Last job before the Chazen: Post producer on a children’s game show for Disney+
My hobby/pastime: British television, drag shows, ice cream, and comedy podcasts.
Most unusual job: My first job when I moved to New York was at a high-end soap store where everything was made to resemble food. The amount of people that I had to politely inform on a daily basis that they had accidentally just eaten soap was a lot more than you’d think.
Any other question/answer you’d like to add: I recently moved back to my hometown of Madison after living and working in New York for 15 years. I am delighted to have landed here at the Chazen, be closer to my family, get to introduce my daughter to all the parks I enjoyed while growing up, and become reacclimated with cheddar in all its wonderful, various forms!