Melisa Perez
Office Manager
What I do at the Chazen: I am the office manager for the Chazen handling the supply needs of the staff and working with staff on student hiring and onboarding.
When I started: 1/2/2025
First memory of the Chazen/LVM: Studying in the galleries while on a break between classes at Humanities.
My Hometown: Port Washington, WI
My Chazen moment: I recall attending an event held in the Elvehjem Building that along with the opening of the exhibit also included music from a DJ and a photobooth, I attended with two friends from college, and we had a really fun evening.
On Saturdays you’ll find me: at the Dane County Farmers Market with my three best friends, purchasing items for the week with coffee in hand.
My alma mater: UW–Madison
My college major: History
My favorite artwork at the Chazen: El Anatsui’s, Danu, fashioned from aluminum liquor bottle caps and wire
My favorite work of art outside the Chazen: Edward Hopper’s Chop Suey
My favorite museum other than the Chazen: Legion of Honor, San Francisco, CA
Last job before the Chazen: Administrative assistant in the Office of the Chancellor, UW–Madison
First job: Working as a cashier, barback, and hostess at Smith Brothers Fish Shanty in Port Washington, WI
My hobby/pastime: Reading and spending time with friends
My creative outlet: Making beaded jewelry
Most unusual job: Working the 4-H International programs booth at the Wisconsin State Fair, all ten days of the fair